Kategori arşivi: MS

System Administrator command line shortcuts to popular MMCs

System Administrator command line shortcuts to popular MMCs

Simply get to a run command (Start>Run) or a  command prompt (Start>Run>CMD [enter])


Admin Applet Command
AD Domains and Trusts domain.msc
Active Directory Management admgmt.msc
AD Sites and Services dssite.msc
AD Users and Computers dsa.msc
ADSI Edit adsiedit.msc
Authorization manager azman.msc
Certification Authority Management certsrv.msc
Certificate Templates certtmpl.msc
Cluster Administrator cluadmin.exe
Computer Management compmgmt.msc
Component Services comexp.msc
Configure Your Server cys.exe
Device Manager devmgmt.msc
DHCP Management dhcpmgmt.msc
Disk Defragmenter dfrg.msc
Disk Manager diskmgmt.msc
Distributed File System dfsgui.msc
DNS Management dnsmgmt.msc
Event Viewer eventvwr.msc
Indexing Service Management ciadv.msc
IP Address Manage ipaddrmgmt.msc
Licensing Manager llsmgr.exe
Local Certificates Management certmgr.msc
Local Group Policy Editor gpedit.msc
Local Security Settings Manager secpol.msc
Local Users and Groups Manager lusrmgr.msc
Network Load balancing nlbmgr.exe
Performance Monitor perfmon.msc
PKI Viewer pkiview.msc
Public Key Management pkmgmt.msc
Quality of Service Control Management acssnap.msc
Remote Desktop tsmmc.msc
Remote Storage Administration rsadmin.msc
Removable Storage ntmsmgr.msc
Removable Storage Operator Requests ntmsoprq.msc
Routing and Remote Access Manager rrasmgmt.msc
Resultant Set of Policy rsop.msc
Schema management schmmgmt.msc
Services Management services.msc
Shared Folders fsmgmt.msc
SID Security Migration sidwalk.msc
Telephony Management tapimgmt.msc
Terminal Server Configuration tscc.msc
Terminal Server Licensing licmgr.exe
Terminal Server Manager tsadmin.exe
Teminal Services RDP MSTSC
Teminal Services RDP to Console mstsc /v:[server] /console
UDDI Services Managment uddi.msc
Windows Mangement Instumentation wmimgmt.msc
WINS Server manager winsmgmt.msc


Kaynak: http://www.primemsp.com/content/msc_Shortcuts.aspx

Ekranı kilitlemeyi mi unuttunuz?

Kıymetli Arkadaşım Ömer’ in bir paylaşımı, unutmamak için yazayım dedim.

“İPUCU : Bilgisayar başından aceleyle kalkınca ekranı kilitlemeyi unutuyorsunuz ve adınıza tatlı mı ısmarlanıyor? Çözüm basit.

1-Bir bat dosyası hazırlayıp içine aşağıdaki komutu girin.
2-Dosyayı bat olarak kaydedin.
3-Outlook’da bir kural oluşturun ve sizin verdiğiniz kriterlerde mail geldiği zaman bu batch çalışsın.

Komut –> rundll32.exe user32.dll,LockWorkStation

Burada Outlook’un sürekli açık olduğunu varsayıyoruz 🙂

Basit ama işe yarayan bir yöntem, yıllardır kullanırım, daha pek tatlı ısmarladığım olmamıştır :)”

Use the Page File Bytes Peak counter to calculate page file size

Use the Page File Bytes Peak counter to calculate page file size

  1. Click Start, point to Administrative Tools, and then click Performance Monitor.
  2. Expand Data Collector Sets, right-click User Defined, click New, and then click Data Collector Set.
  3. In the Name box, type a name for the log, and then click OK.
  4. Select the Create manually (advanced)option, and then click Next.
  5. Select the Create data logsoption, click to select the Performance counter check box, and then click Next.
  6. Under Which performance counters would you like to log?, click Add.
  7. Under Select counters from computer, make sure that <Local computer>
  8. In the Performance object list, click Process, and then click Page File Bytes Peak.
  9. Under Instances of selected object, select Total, click Add>>, and then click OK.
  10. Under Sample interval, select the interval that you want. (The default is 15 seconds.)
  11. Click Next two times.
  12. Click Finish.
  13. Let the counter run during typical use of your computer.


Note the maximum value for the Page File Bytes Peak counter, and then multiply the value by 0.70. The sum of the equation is the size to set for your page file.